The other settings, like Radius, Opacity, Density, Blur and Spacing work the same as they do for the other tools, e.g. It also depends on your setting for Strength. What precisely this tool does at a given moment depends on which Effect: option you have set: brightness, gamma, contrast, saturation, or sharpening. To activate it, use the toolbar button named Effect Brush. Use the Effect Brush tool to “paint on” local picture edits. The Smoothing setting determines the effect’s strength. The settings for Radius, Opacity, Density, Blur and Spacing work the same as they do for the other tools, e.g. To activate it, use the toolbar button named Iron. Use the Iron to iron out fine details, like in portrait photography. Use the Mode to set how the cloned part of the picture blends into the original picture.
Thus with small values, the tool will be applied during even the tiniest motion of the mouse, while with a value of 100%, it will be applied only once per full brush length.īlur The Blur value sets how the tool will behave at the brush edges. You set it as a percent of the brush size. Spacing sets how often the tool should be applied.
When this mode is off, the source will always return to the original point when you let go of the mouse button and then start “painting” again. In Aligned mode, the source area will always move with the target area. The Radius sets how large an area of the picture is transferred, Opacity is the maximum allowed amount of transfer (achieved by repeatedly using the tool over the same part of the picture), Density is the amount of the picture applied during one use of the effect over a part of the picture. After that, the tool will start cloning the source area (“painting” with it) wherever you click or drag with it. The Clone Stamp is on the Editor toolbar.Īfter activating the tool, press and hold down the key (the mouse cursor changes to a crosshairs) to set the source area for cloning. Some typical things covered up this way are telephone wires and pimples. Usually you will be doing this because you want to cover up something using a background texture from some area with a similar background, but no foreground. Use the clone stamp to “paint” one part of a picture onto another.